Initiating sex can be a nerve-wracking experience for many women. There's often an underlying fear of rejection, and it can be challenging to find the right balance between being assertive and respectful. However, taking the initiative in the bedroom can be incredibly empowering and can help to strengthen the connection between you and your partner. To shed some light on the topic, we spoke to 21 women about how they initiate sex, ranging from subtle hints to more direct approaches.

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Setting the Mood

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Many women emphasized the importance of setting the mood before initiating sex. This can involve anything from lighting candles and playing sensual music to giving their partner a relaxing massage. One woman said, "I like to create an atmosphere of intimacy and sensuality. I'll dim the lights, put on some soft music, and maybe give my partner a massage to help them unwind and get in the mood."

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Non-Verbal Cues

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Non-verbal cues can be a powerful way to initiate sex without having to verbalize it. Many women mentioned using body language, such as lingering touches, eye contact, and suggestive gestures. "I'll make prolonged eye contact and maybe run my fingers along my partner's arm or leg to let them know I'm interested," one woman shared. Another said, "I'll give my partner a lingering hug or kiss to let them know I'm in the mood."


For some women, spontaneity is key when it comes to initiating sex. This can involve surprising their partner with a spontaneous make-out session or initiating sex in unexpected places. "I love the thrill of being spontaneous. Sometimes I'll initiate sex in the kitchen while we're cooking dinner together, or I'll surprise my partner with a passionate kiss out of nowhere," one woman explained.

Verbal Communication

Direct verbal communication was also a common way for women to initiate sex. This can involve expressing their desires and intentions in a straightforward manner. "I'll simply tell my partner that I'm in the mood for some intimate time together. Open and honest communication is important to me," one woman stated. Another said, "I'll express my desires by telling my partner how much I want them and what I'd like to do with them."

Flirtatious Texts

In the age of technology, many women turn to flirtatious texts to initiate sex. This can involve sending suggestive messages or photos to their partner throughout the day. "I'll send my partner a sexy text or photo to let them know I'm thinking about them and to build anticipation for when we're together," one woman shared. Another said, "I'll send flirty messages throughout the day to let my partner know I can't wait to see them later."

Initiating Role Play

Some women mentioned initiating sex through role play and fantasy scenarios. This can involve dressing up, assuming different personas, or setting the stage for an erotic adventure. "I love to initiate sex by suggesting a role play scenario or fantasy. It adds an element of excitement and novelty to our sex life," one woman explained. Another said, "I'll surprise my partner by dressing up in a sexy outfit and assuming a different persona to spice things up."

Creating a Sense of Anticipation

Creating a sense of anticipation was a recurring theme among the women we spoke to. This can involve teasing their partner, building up sexual tension, and creating a sense of anticipation for what's to come. "I'll tease my partner by whispering suggestive things in their ear or by engaging in playful banter that builds up the sexual tension between us," one woman shared. Another said, "I like to create a sense of anticipation by slowly undressing in front of my partner or by engaging in prolonged foreplay to build up the excitement."

In conclusion, initiating sex can take many different forms, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Whether it's through setting the mood, non-verbal cues, spontaneity, verbal communication, flirtatious texts, role play, or creating a sense of anticipation, the key is to find what works best for you and your partner. Ultimately, initiating sex is about expressing your desires, building intimacy, and strengthening the connection with your partner. So don't be afraid to take the lead and initiate sex in a way that feels authentic and comfortable for you.